Friday 1 March 2019

DFI Day 1

Time to reflect and share with colleagues

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Today I learnt about the power of learn, create, share and how it is helping children engage in their learning in all curriculum areas. Manaiakalani is evidence based and has shown to be very successful.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I now know some new ways of using Google Docs to create content for my classroom and I can use voice typing with a New Zealand accent when typing will take too long.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Today on Google Docs I learnt the importance of headings and how to link those headings to create a contents page. I can apply this to my classroom practice by setting up just one GoogleDoc for a subject, such as writing, during the first term. Here the students add their work to the one Google Doc instead of creating multiple documents.

We discussed the importance of filing and naming Google Docs before adding any text, along with adding the children's initials when naming their GoogleDoc so that their work can be identified easily.

Scavenger hunt activity - Children have to answer questions or could be used to teach children about using Google Docs.

Google Groups used as literacy groups so children can share their learning with one another, edit and give feedback before they share it out to the blog. Groups for comprehension question.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

The shortcut ctrl + shift + v when pasting so that the background formatting does not change when pasting to a new document. 

Ctrl + F in an online PDF can search for keywords in the doc

My Room Three Manaiakalaini Poster


  1. Hi Jazz, Great to meet you yesterday. Sounds like you have some good ideas of how to help learners organise their work. And yes, CTRL + F is the BEST tool!

  2. I do love your poster! Great to read how many ideas and classroom support support tips you came away with. I look forward to hearing how they work out for you.


  3. Kia ora Jazz,
    Great to read your list of learning. I agree filing in the Drive is super important. I tell the learners it is like tidying your bedroom - if stuff is in the right place that no tidying is needed!

