I have learned that vocabulary really matters and since starting the RPI course I have started paying more attention to vocabulary and today highlighted again its importance. I learned that there is more to vocabulary than finding the dictionary meaning or synonyms for the words. Students should be able to put their new vocabulary into a sentence or be able to find examples of the word used incorrectly in a sentence. Language can express knowledge so knowing when to use formal and informal language in speaking and writing is important.
There were many Google Slide documents that I have taken a liking to so I have linked them to a new vocabulary folder that I will begin incorporating into my reading lessons. Others in our break out talked about how they use a 'word of the day' and have challenges throughout the day using these words. I thought these were great ideas and I too want to implement something like this to create a word-rich environment. Using this Word Power chart would be a step up from what we currently do for word work.
Reflecting on the way I currently teach new vocabulary, it is more of a 'rinse and repeat' type approach where I am not referring back to new vocabulary the following day to reinforce these new words. Students get reinforcement of these words with their follow-up activities but I do not think this enough exposure just writing the definition once or finding a synonym for the word.
I want to have a go at using some vocabulary apps such as WordWall, Vocabulary.com and Quizlet. I am also interested in creating some vocabulary activities like the one below, although I need to look into this. So if you know how to use the drop down chips that would be super helpful.
I learned about Rebus Puzzles. I have done these a few times but didn't know the name of them. I am not usually very good at these but I had fun finding the phrases for the kids ones. This could be a fun way to engage students.